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Try 5 in a row with... MrTzo
This is not a new system for me. I use it for long time as a stake
managment system and not as a betting system. With this system I "cannot"
improve results of my predictions but with a few "good" predictions
under some "conditions" I can have profits.
My target is to make 5 in a row winning predictions. Profits will
become after 2nd in a row succesfull prediction because of the following
stake managment.
1st bet
I make my 1st bet with stake 100 Units.
2nd bet
If my 1st bet WIN then stake for 2nd bet will be starting 100 units
plus half profit of my 1st bet.
3rd bet
If my 2nd bet WIN then stake for 3rd bet will be 2nd's bet stake plus
half profit of my 2nd bet.
4th bet
If my 3rd bet WIN then stake for 4th bet will be 3rd's bet stake plus
half profit of my 3rd bet.
5th bet
If my 4th bet WIN then stake for 5th bet will be 4th's bet stake plus
half profit of my 4th bet.
With this way if my 2nd level bet WIN, I start collect profits in my
wallet no matter my 3rd bet win or not. So, I only need 2 first good
predictions to start. Let's see this Real Action!
sojer píše:K postupnému sázení bych se taky rád vyjádøil-to vás nikoho opravdu nenapadlo,že je to skuteènì stejné jako dát tøebat tìch 5 zápasù do akovky.
Vklad teøba 3000* pìtkrát kurz 2=96000kè a pøesì na stejnou èástku se dostanete pøi 5 kolech toho postupného sázení s kurzy 2.Tato taktika má výhodu snad jen v tom že si mùžete poèkat na ten zprávný zápas...ale o víkendu je zápasù dost.Takže podle mì je to úplnì na nic,ale pokud jsem se sekl a nìco jsem špatnì pochopil,tak mì opravte.
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